When 32 Feels Like The New 62 and Other Ways I Know I’m Getting “Old”

I had a ball in my twenties. I was adventure-seeking, fun, and lived by the motto, YOLO.  I was always down for a good party.

On Fridays evenings, I’d come home from work around 6, take a 3 hour nap, and call a friend 9pm to decide where to go. By 11pm, I’d dressed in the jazziest outfit and the highest heels and ready to head out for a night on the town in Atlanta. I’d return at 6am – sometimes later – after a night on the town.

Those days – although 6 years ago – feel like a century ago. My life is different now.

First, I no longer live in the booming party-centric city of Atlanta. I live in a small town in North Carolina. Going out requires some creativity and meticulous planning. But what’s changed the most is me.


I’m no longer as interested in clubbing as I used to be. Nowadays, my perfect Friday night consists of me ordering Thai food and cozying up on the couch watching Grey’s Anatomy on DVR with my hubby. If I’m not too worn out from a long work week, I might even stay up to watch a chick flick, Dawson’s Creek or other shows that remind me of my childhood. On a good night, I may even stay up to watch a comedian’s special on Netflix. (I heart Dave Chappelle’s stand up specials!)

Here are other ways I know I’m getting old:

  1. On most nights, you can find me in bed by 9:00pm. I may not be sleeping, but I’m under the covers and ready to call it a night.
  2. Going out to a club or party on Saturday night will require at least 2 days to recover. And it takes A LOT of energy for me to head out on Friday night. I have a standing date with my DVR and Thai food on Fridays.
  3. I never wear heels to a nightclub. In fact, the mere thought of wearing anything more than 2 inches makes my feet hurt.
  4. My standard for friendship is high. Unlike my younger years where I used to make friends easily, nowadays, it takes a lot of effort. If a person so much as says the wrong thing in my presence, I’ll write them off and put them in my we-can’t-be-friends bucket.
  5. Losing weight takes hours upon hours of kickboxing, running, and vigorous workouts and months of low-carb dieting. I ate one bowl of ice cream 3 weeks ago and still trying to lose the five pounds it caused.
  6. I purchased life insurance recently and have spent a lot of time planning my retirement. I have a retirement plan and a contingency plan in case something happens.
  7. In order to keep my pulse on the younger generation, I try to listen to mumble rap (Hey Migos!) and other current music, but who am I kidding. I still bump music from 30 years each day.

Your turn, S&T. Tell me how you know you’re getting old in the comments section below!

13 thoughts on “When 32 Feels Like The New 62 and Other Ways I Know I’m Getting “Old”

  1. hmmmm …. my knees hurt more than I want to let on … my girls are 23 & 24 and really have not much to do with me (it’s the age) … I love 4″ heels, but mostly bump around in my sport sandals, even at work … I was in bed Tuesday night at 715pm (!) …

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t worry about getting older. It’s a part of this great journey we’re on. I can totally relate to your list, and am happy that you composed it at a much younger age than me. I embrace laying in bed at 9:00, although most nights it’s more like 10:00. Our bodies need plenty of rest, and we need to take care of it because it’s the only one given. The earlier I go to bed, the earlier I rise, and I love watching the day begin. Thank you for a lovely post! xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lol! I just turned thirty less than two weeks ago, but I relate so hard to this. I’ve been old for years. Recently, I’ve traded in my 3am-noon sleep schedule for a 9pm-5am sleep schedule. I woke up at 7am today and groaned because now I know I’ll be up until like midnight lmao!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I don’t bend as easy or as far and I am sure gravity is getting stronger because so many things weigh more than they used to. I remember when waking up stiff was a good thing. Glad you’re not wearing high heels. It really looks painful and stupid for someone to be walking on their toes and barely balanced, but having grown up on a beach I found the barefoot girls much more attractive. And no, I don’t have a fetish.


  5. When I was younger I could eat all day long with no weigh gain. Now that I am older I have to think about my food choices more and look at sodium, carbohydrates, sugars and fats.


  6. That gif though!>>!>!>!> Can you like get out of my diary Yaa Yaa!!! Bahahahahahaaaaaaaaa …. I was like “YYYYYAAAAASSSS HUNTY” that is me!

    I’ve definitely adopted being in bed by 9pm (but that was for my 5am gym routine) — but now it’s like if 9:30pm sneaks up on me, I’m falling asleep WHEREVER I am, it doesn’t matter who’s watching…Hahahaa!

    OH and the friends thing.. Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! It’s almost like, I just do not want to allocate my precious time and mind space to people who are not part of a mutually beneficial relationship, where I do not give and receive value, you feel me?

    Girl, I could write a sequel to this post.

    BUT — What makes me feel old is every time my younger sister’s birthday comes around, (she’s 20 something — I’ve stopped keeping track) because I remember when she was BORN and so when I see her now, I’m like DDDAAAMMMNNNN all these years have gone by already? LOL

    I’m comforted with this quote, “You can either die young or grow old.” — I choose the latter!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m in my 20s and relate to this. I was just telling some friends the other day that I was born old. My parents think I’m joking when I say I’m ready to retire, but I’m not. I’m donneeeeee with this social life and working life. I’m an old, cranky lady in a twenty-something body. I just want reruns, furry animals, and all the free time in the world at this point!


  8. Omg, yassss to the damn ice cream! My side hustle is working as a food writer, so I have to eat fancy things from time to time…and they never seem to leave my waistline, even with all the biking, yoga and walking 🙄


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